Photo credit: Dave Davidson – Prezography.com
(Waukee, IA) Former Arkansas Governor and 2008 Iowa Caucus winner Mike Huckabee spoke to approximately 450 social conservative activists at Point of Grace Church Tuesday night. He keynoted the Iowa Faith & Freedom Coalition Spring Kickoff event that also featured remarks from fifteen candidates.
Steve Scheffler, President of Iowa Faith & Freedom Coalition and Iowa’s National Committeeman for the Republican National Committee, encouraged unity among Republicans. “We have a lot more that binds than separates us…. It is important we get behind our candidates,” Scheffler said. “They are far superior than anything the left has to offer.”
Ralph Reed who leads the Faith & Freedom Coalition encouraged activists to pray for leaders to run for office. He directed his comment to Huckabee saying, “Mike we’re talking about you.” He said that he didn’t know of a better man to be a spokesperson for biblical principles and worldview.
Huckabee warned that America won’t ultimately be in trouble because of high taxes or corruption, acknowledging those problems. “Our greatest trouble will be if we turn our backs on God,” he said. “Those of us who forget where we have come from will have no idea where we are going.”
He addressed the 2012 elections and those who say the conservative message was rejected. “I don’t think our message was rejected. I don’t believe our message was ever understood,” he remarked.
He encouraged the group to stand for their values even if they stand alone. “It is not the number of people who are standing against God that determines the battle, it is the one person standing with God who will win the battle every single time.” He said Elijah thought he was the only one, but he still stood. “The tragedy of today is that we know we are not the only ones, but many will run and hide. Those who are supposed to be salt are more like sand. We are supposed to be the light, but we hide it under a bushel,” Huckabee added.
“One of the reasons we lose battles that we should win is that we wait and see if the crowd will be with us.” Huckabee stated.
He addressed marriage addressing those who tell social conservatives that we need to be on “the right side of history.” Huckabee said it is more important to him that he is on “the right side of the Bible.” He added, “It is not my book to change.” He noted that wasn’t prolife because he was in Republican politics. “I got into politics because I am prolife,” he stated. He said he didn’t believe that God would continue to bless America if the nation didn’t believe in the intrinsic value of every human life.
He took a shot at the judicial branch, commending Iowa’s system of retention elections. He reminded the group that the judicial branch is to be the weakest branch, and constitutionally the ultimate authority in the United States is the people. He stated that judges are to interpret the law, that they do not have the ability to make it up and carry it out because of how they feel. “If we don’t stand up to judges, we are going to slide into tyranny,” Huckabee said.
In closing he said that things won’t change if Christians don’t rise up and vote and being willing to stand alone. He added that he isn’t pessimistic. “We things get really, really dark – that is when the light makes all the difference,” Huckabee said. Referring to the Bible he stated, “I already read the end and we win.”
Activists also heard from State Auditor Mary Mosiman who stated that she was the only CPA running for State Auditor. She was appointed to her position by Governor Terry Branstad in 2013, and is now running to be elected.
All of the Republican candidates in Iowa’s 2nd Congressional District Race gave remarks. Mark Lofgren shared about his background as a distance runner and involvement with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Mariannette Miller-Meeks highlighted violations of religious liberty by the current administration in the White House, as well as, the IRS targeting citizens and the NSA violating privacy. Matt Waldron introduced himself to group as a “God-fearing, freedom-loving American individual.”
Five of the six Iowa 3rd Congressional District Republican candidates were present. Robert Cramer gave his standard stump speech, saying he plans to bring a “legacy of servant leadership,” “legacy of business,” and “vision for the future” to Washington if elected. Iowa Secretary of State Matt Schultz shared his accomplishments in his current role fighting for election integrity and voter ID, as well as, when he was a city councilman in Council Bluffs. Monte Shaw moved from this typical stump speech to tell activists that he wanted to work on adoption as an issue in order to make it more affordable. “If we truly value each child to be in a loving family with a mother and father we need to make sure we make that easier, especially kids with special needs,” Shaw stated.
David Young said that if he is sent to Washington, DC he would work on the budget deficit, jobs deficit and trust deficit that we currently see from Congress. State Senator Brad Zaun (R-Urbandale) said “I’m kinda controversial.” He noted the bills he introduced to shut down the Iowa Department of Education and to shut down the Common Core (which received applause).
All five Republican U.S. Senate candidates were present. Matt Whitaker said he was running on a platform of liberty and freedom, in particular religious liberty, noting the IRS asking people how they pray and military chaplains being targeted. Scott Schaben appeared uncomfortable speaking at this setting. He discussed the five items of faith that the founders agreed on which had several activists afterwards tell Caffeinated Thoughts that they were perplexed. One Republican activist wondered if Schaben looked at Wikipedia before going up to speak. I’m still unclear where he got his information and what it has to do with the U.S. Senate race.
Mark Jacobs highlighted his involvement with Youth With a Mission going on several trips to Central America. He said that he was a man of “very deep faith” and that he believed in the sanctity of life and that marriage is between one man and one woman. State Senator Joni Ernst (R-Red Oak) gave her standard “I’m a mother, soldier, and conservative” stump speech. She stated, “I am not afraid to stand up for what I believe in.” Sam Clovis departed somewhat from other speeches I have seen. He focused on his military service. He encouraged activists to “please dig deep in your hearts and consider who we need to send.” He said that his service if elected to the U.S. Senate would be “service to God, service to America, and service to you.”