Live Action again exposes Planned Parenthood.  In a series of videos entitled SEXED that they started releasing this week they show Planned Parenthood counselors and nurses encourage the investigators who they believe are 15 or 16-years-old to try “pain with sex.” They encourage domination, sadism, asphyxiation in detail.  They also educate the teens on how to be whipped, gagged and handcuffed.

The videos according to Live Action President, Lila Rose, shows a systemic, institutional problem in America’s largest abortion corporation. “It’s not a matter of ‘don’t judge,’ but rather explicit endorsement of violent and harmful sexual practices to boys and girls as young as fifteen years old,” Rose said.

Live Action complains: “Planned Parenthood consistently fights any law requiring parental consent or involvement for minors seeking sexual and reproductive health care, including abortions.  PP’s website encourages teens to circumvent their parents and the law.”

“Taxpayers, and especially parents, need to know where their money is going,” Rose said.  “This funding is not optional – it’s a compulsory, government-enforced extraction going toward extremely questionable programs and dangerous advice for our nation’s teens.”

Planned Parenthood’s response?  They said they fired the worker.

Rose responds:

You’re seeing step one of the Planned Parenthood damage control handbook: the token firing.  It’s always a little strange, because Planned Parenthood tries to have it both ways: they announce terminating the employee for violating “professional standards” but never specify what those standards are. Meanwhile, their BDSM training video remains online, and they continue to list “resources” that tell kids that torture sex is totally fine. So what exactly did the staffer in our video do to bring the wrath of Planned Parenthood down on her?

In past releases, step two in the handbook is to ignore the exact same abuses we reveal in subsequent videos from additional Planned Parenthood locations across the country.  We saw this in our sex-trafficking investigation and our sex-selective abortion investigation, and we’ll probably see it here, too.  Planned Parenthood is trying to cast our video as a one-off.

But throwing one employee under the bus does nothing to solve the abortion giant’s organization-wide problem: their promotion of dangerous sexual activity to teens in their online materials and programs.  Lawmakers need to take action immediately to stop forcing taxpayers to support Planned Parenthood, and parents should call their school principals and superintendents to cut off Planned Parenthood’s access to teens in their communities.

Here is the trailer for the series entitled SEXED:


They released their first episode yesterday from a clinic in Indianapolis, IN:

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