the-truth-network-des-moines-studioShane Vander Hart talks to former Texas Governor Rick Perry about his presidential campaign, coffee, and they discuss a few issues as well. Chris Rohloff filled in as the show producer and co-host while both Brian Myers and Ron Carlson were gone.  Chris and Shane discuss New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s disturbing comments about religious conscience and the workplace.

The guys also discuss the recent Center for Medical Progress video that was released exposing further information about StemExpress, LLC and Planned Parenthood.  We understand why StemExpress CEO Cate Dyer didn’t want this video to see the light of day.

Shane discusses a rally to support a cross that is displayed in a public park in Knoxville this Sunday with the organizer Doug Goff.  What’s that all about?

Plus what would you do if your child put a hole in a painting worth $1.5 million?

Remember you can listen on air at 8:00a and 6:00p on Saturdays on The Truth Network 99.3 FM if you live in the Des Moines Metro area.  You can also listen online live here.  Also we are on iTunes!

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