Yesterday I had the opportunity to talk at length with Representative Rod Roberts (R-Carroll) one of the seven Republicans competing to run against Governor Chet Culver.

We discussed his reasons for running, what a Roberts administration agenda would be, fiscal management, government spending, job creation, gay marriage, abortion, education and the juvenile & adult criminal justice system.  I’m providing the raw audio of the interview, and will update with the transcript.

Disclaimer: I have not endorsed any candidate going into the primary, and have invited all declared candidates the opportunity to interview.

Update: The transcript will be in a series of blog posts in order to keep the length of the blog posts down.  I also wanted to make a comment about the audio.  This interview was not set up to be a podcast interview, hence no introduction.  My voice is muffled because of the microphone being used, I was not picked up well.  The purpose of the audio was to make sure I accurately recorded Representative Robert’s answers, so the recording was for my benefit.  When you listen to this interview bear that in mind.

2nd Update: Transcription of the interview – will be coming to you in three parts:

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