The Obama Administration’s foreign policy has been an absolute disaster.  Charles Krauthammer in today’s Washington Post describes the White House effort rather pointedly:

Henry Kissinger once said that the main job of Anatoly Dobrynin, the perennial Soviet ambassador to Washington, was to tell the Kremlin leadership that whenever they received a proposal from the United States that appeared disadvantageous to the United States, not to assume it was a trick.

No need for a Dobrynin today. The Russian leadership, hardly believing its luck, needs no interpreter to understand that when the Obama team clownishly rushes in bearing gifts and "reset" buttons, there is nothing ulterior, diabolical, clever or even serious behind it. It is amateurishness, wrapped in naivete, inside credulity. In short, the very stuff of Nobels.

Classic.  But hey, at least President Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize, who cares if his policy toward Iran is imploding.

HT: Pundit & Pundette

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