
(Des Moines, IA) Dan Charleston, the Republican candidate for Sheriff in Polk County, wrote on Facebook on Thursday that his campaign has been getting complaints from supporters about their yard signs being stolen.

We have been receiving messages from numerous people about our signs missing. We have had 4 large barn signs (stakes, plywood, sign) and too many to count small bag signs taken from private property. I checked one road today where there were 3 new McCarthy signs up and 5 of our small signs are now missing.

Last election, 2 Polk County employees, with take home vehicles, had McCarthy signs in the back of their polk county owned vehicle. One of them was caught by one of our Deputies taking one of our signs at 10pm one evening. Complaint was covered up.

This is why I am running for Sheriff. Criminal activity and a double standard is unacceptable to most Americans.

There is a clear difference between our platform and the status quo. If you desire a much needed house cleaning and accountability with your law enforcement, choose wisely this election.

Lead, follow or get out of the way.

The accusation is disturbing, and the question needs to be asked. Where those deputies disciplined? How will Sheriff McCarthy address this problem. While there is not tangible evidence that his campaign is responsible for the missing signs it doesn’t take much to connect the dots.

Sheriff McCarthy should condemn this behavior and explain why his deputies were involved in such behavior last election.

Disclosure: My company, 4:15 Communications, LLC, designed Charleston’s campaign website.

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