On this episode of The Caffeinated Thoughts Podcast, Mary Hasson, co-author of Get Out Now: Why You Should Pull Your Child from Public School Before It’s Too Late, explains to Shane Vander Hart why she is advocating parents remove their children from public school.

Before that Shane discusses the anonymous opinion piece published in The New York Times they say is a senior official in the Trump Administration who is actively resisting President Trump. He also discusses The Washington Post‘s preview of Bob Woodward’s new book on President Trump entitled Fear: Trump in the White House

Then Shane highlights several moments of the circus that is the confirmation hearing for Judge Brett Kavanaugh who was nominated by President Trump to the Supreme Court. 

Shane’s interview with Mary Hasson follows. Hasson co-wrote Get Out Now: Why You Should Pull Your Child from Public School Before It’s Too Late with Theresa Farman. Hasson is the Director of the Catholic Women’s Forum and the Kate O’Beirne Fellow in Catholic Studies at the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, DC.

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