Sending Bombs to Anyone Is Evil

Shane Vander Hart: Let’s jettison the hot takes about bombs sent to Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and CNN and let law enforcement do their thing.

Episode 59: Why We Should Pull Our Kids From Public School Now

On the Caffeinated Thoughts Podcast, Mary Hasson with the Ethics and Public Policy Center explains to Shane Vander Hart why parents should remove their kids from public school.

Episode 53: Anna Anderson on Protecting Christian Adoption Agencies

Shane Vander Hart discusses the trouble Christian adoption and foster care agencies face with Anna Anderson from American Principles Project on the Caffeinated Thoughts Podcast.

Maureen Dowd, Another Delusional Journalist in Leftist World

I am becoming more convinced day by day that Leftists live in…

Fox News’ Major Garrett Goes to The Front Row

Yesterday afternoon The White House Correspondentsā€™ Association voted unanimously to move Fox…

Gay Marriage and Fidelity

In my inbox this evening I saw a story that relates well…