WARNING: This may be difficult to read. But as an eyewitness to an abandoned abortion clinic, I must share it.

From the start of his gubernatorial bid, Fred Hubbell has not stopped bragging about one thing.

His admiration for Planned Parenthood, the largest (albeit, ever-shrinking) abortion chain, in Iowa. In fact, his first TV commercial, and others since then, have focused on his unfettered support of them.

Hubbell has shared he was their Chairman in the mid-1980s. 

The old abortion center, housing the conference room where he likely led board meetings, sits near the center of Des Moines, abandoned and ready to be demolished. 

It’s a building that I’ve had the opportunity to quietly tour several times in recent years.

The first time I walked through the building — it was all just as it was when Planned Parenthood left in 2003 to move across town.

The reception area with dated chairs — the “medical suite”, filled with all the instruments and equipment used in abortions — exam tables where tens of thousands of women lay, lost and alone, some of them now my dearest friends — the jars and trays that held tiny babies, ripped from their mothers — the sink / toilet where babies were swallowed up and sent to the sewer of Des Moines.

The first time I walked through this place, I did so with a woman who grieves the loss of her baby on one of those exam tables. The next time, I was with Sue Thayer, former Planned Parenthood clinic manager, now one of our Board Members. During her initial training for Planned Parenthood she witnessed 31 abortions in a single day. In this building.

Fred Hubbell isn’t telling you the whole truth. He’s not sharing with you what really happens in Planned Parenthood. And he would know as he has no doubt spent many hours in that building where thousands of unborn babies brutally lost their lives — and just as many women left that building, never to be the same again.

I’ve been asked more than once why I fight so hard for women and unborn babies. Why I don’t walk away and “get a normal job.” Now more than ever, it’s because I’ve seen this old building, scarred by the loss of so many lives. I’ve looked into the eyes of women who struggled in that place – who tried to get up off the exam table and leave, only to be pushed back down.

It’s for everyone of them we fight — and for every woman who is now — or will be contemplating abortion. They deserve so much better.

Fred Hubbell, in his unequivocal support of the unregulated, uninspected abortion industry, has and continues to endanger Iowa women and children. We must not stop sharing the truth about him and his pro-abortion allies.

“You may choose to look the other way but you can never say again that you did not know.” William Wilberforce, slavery abolitionist.

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