Giving Tuesday has become an annual pillar of philanthropy and generosity in our country. Caffeinated Thoughts is only possible because of such generosity, and we are thankful for all donors who partner with us.

Thinking about who you will give to this Giving Tuesday? Here are five reasons to keep Caffeinated Thoughts in mind:

1. A conservative voice in Iowa (and beyond)

Caffeinated Thoughts has been giving conservatives a voice in Iowa since 2006. Modern media trends left, but we think that the right needs representation as well. Even if it means we are the only conservative media represented at events (which has definitely happened), we’ll keep doing what we’re doing.

2. Providing you with thought provoking cultural content

The goal of Caffeinated Thoughts is not just to cover what’s going on in Iowa and national politics, but to get you thinking about our culture from a thoughtful and Biblical perspective. We hope you enjoy grabbing a cup of coffee and mulling these things over with us.

3. Putting principles over partisanship

Unfortunately, many popular right wing media outlets have become extremely partisan. We believe that principles are more important than partisanship, and that platform points mean more than the ‘R’ next to a person’s name. We promise to keep bringing you a wide range of conservative voices, and to continue both criticizing and praising political parties when they earn it.

4. Helping draw national attention to Iowa

The work of Caffeinated Thoughts has gotten picked up by many major media outlets this year, including Fox NewsThe Washington PostThe New York Times and CNN. Your support helps us draw national attention to conservative voices in Iowa.

5. Caffeinated Thoughts requires caffeine

Finally, caffeinated thoughts require caffeine. Thanks to the generosity of our supporters, the coffee keeps flowing and the laptop keys keep clicking.

This Giving Tuesday, we are thankful for partners and supporters like YOU. Thanks for helping us keep doing what we’re doing.

If you would like to give (just a reminder we are not a 501(c)3 non-profit, so donations are not tax-deductible) there are two ways you can participate. You can make a donation through our Anedot account which we use primarily for one-time donors by using the secure form below. If you would like to provide ongoing support we encourage you to be come a monthly patron of Caffeinated Thoughts through Patreon.

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