SAN FRANCISCO – Twitter has finally distanced itself from the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) after the implosion regarding the ongoing sexual harassment, racial discrimination and donor deception inside the organization. The SPLC hypocritically labels Christian, pro-family, and conservative nonviolent groups, such as Liberty Counsel, as “hate groups.” 

According to The Daily Caller, an anonymous source from Twitter confirmed that “The SPLC is not a member of Twitter’s Trust and Safety Council as a ‘safety partner’ working to combat ‘hateful conduct and harassment’ and providing ‘input on our safety products, policies, and programs.’”

The four major social media companies in Silicon Valley, Facebook, Amazon, Google and Twitter, worked with or consulted the SPLC as early as June 2018 to help police their platforms for “hate speech” or “hate groups.” Twitter appears to be the only one to now completely separate itself from the SPLC.

The SPLC is on a list of “external experts and organizations” that Facebook works with “to inform our hate speech policies,” according to a Facebook spokeswoman. Amazon also grants the SPLC broad policing power over the Amazon Smile charitable program. “We remove organizations that the SPLC deems as ineligible,” an Amazon spokeswoman told The Daily Caller in 2018. Google was also exposed in 2018 for secretly using the SPLC to assist YouTube in policing content on its platform.

Liberty Counsel recently joined a coalition of 69 other conservative leaders and organizations in releasing an open letter to news organizations, social media platforms and corporate donors to sever their ties with the SPLC and its ongoing effort to defame and slander mainstream conservative organizations.

“It is long overdue that social media companies stop using the hypocritical SPLC as a reliable source to police their content and discriminate against pro-family and conservative nonviolent organizations,” said Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel. “The rest of the tech companies should follow Twitter’s lead and divorce from the SPLC. It appears to have taken a major implosion within the SPLC for others to finally see what organizations like Liberty Counsel have been saying all along.”

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