WASHINGTON – U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, released the following message in honor of the men and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of their country.

Transcript available below.

“On Memorial Day, our nation remembers and honors all those who have paid the ultimate price in service to our country.

“Since the Revolutionary War, over 1.3 million American soldiers have died in war. But we remember them not as names on a far-too-long list, but as our family members, friends and neighbors. 

“Our recognition of Memorial Day dates back to the Civil War, and has always been a time for communities to gather together and remember those who they’ve lost.  

“By joining together to remember their lives, we ensure that those who died are never forgotten, and that their sacrifices never taken for granted.

“It’s impossible to describe in words the debt of gratitude we owe our fallen service men and women.

“When the speeches, parades, and programs are done, Memorial Day is a time for quiet contemplation of those who have gone before us, and prayers for those who are currently risking their lives for this great country.”

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