The Protect Freedom PAC, a political action committee based in Warrenton, Va. to support pro-freedom and pro-liberty candidates, announced that they would run a television ad entitled “The Truth is Out” in Iowa and New Hampshire during the CNN Democratic debate on Tuesday night.

The ad highlights positions of the leading Democratic presidential candidates on the 2nd Amendment, including calls for outright confiscation of the most popular rifle in America.

Watch below:

“For a generation, Democrats have talked in generic terms about ‘common-sense gun control’ and promised voters that ‘no one is going to take away your guns.’ The mask has slipped. The leading Democratic candidates for president are all calling for extreme gun control measures, including outright confiscation of legally-purchased firearms by law-abiding gun owners,” Michael Biundo, spokesman for Protect Freedom PAC said.

“Protect Freedom PAC is holding the Democrats accountable, and we believe every Democrat running for every office should answer for the radical positions of their party’s leaders. And frankly, we can’t wait until the debate to find out what these extremists are going to say next. These ads just write themselves,” he added.

Protect Freedom PAC was founded by campaign veterans of Ron and Rand Paul’s presidential campaigns. The group spent $3.8 million during the 2018 election cycle, according to Open Secrets. Their primary funder is Jeff Yass, one of the founders and managing partner of Susquehanna International Group (SIG) in Philadelphia, Pa., who donated $1.8 million during the 2018 cycle and just over $2 million for the 2020 cycle. Yass is a libertarian who also sits on the Cato Institute’s Board of Directors and funded a Super PAC in 2016 that supported Rand Paul’s presidential campaign.

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