DES MOINES, Iowa – State Senator Mariannette Miller-Meeks, R-Ottumwa, announced her decision to step down as chair of the Iowa Senate Human Resources Committee. Iowa Senate Majority Leader Jack Whitver, R-Ankeny, named State Senator Annette Sweeney, R-Alden, as her replacement.

Miller-Meeks stepped down to spend more time on her campaign in Iowa’s 2nd Congressional District Race.

“During the 2019 Iowa Legislative Session I was proud of the work the Human Resources Committee accomplished on a number of important priorities, including improved transparency of prescription drug costs, creating a children’s mental health program, and passing behind the counter birth control through the Senate. I enjoyed working with the House, Senate, and Governor Reynolds to see positive results for Iowans,” said Miller-Meeks said in a released statement..

“Senator Miller-Meeks provided important leadership on the Human Resources Committee,” Whitver said. “I look forward to continuing to work with her on policies to reduce the cost of health care and encourage economic growth in Iowa.”

“Senator Sweeney is a rising leader in our caucus and she has the experience to navigate the issues in that committee,” said Whitver added. “The work done in Human Resources affects many Iowans and I have full confidence in her leadership of the Human Resources Committee.”

“Chair of the Human Resources Committee is a challenging position and it is a challenge I am eager to meet,” Sweeney stated. “I thank Senator Whitver for his faith in me. My constituents and all Iowans know I will work tirelessly in this job.”

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