Former Vice President Joe Biden argued with voter in New Hampton, Iowa on Thursday morning who challenged him on his age and Hunter Biden’s position on the board of Burisma Holdings, the Ukrainian natural gas company, that President Donald Trump asked Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate.

Since the impeachment hearings began Hunter Biden’s business dealings have undergone scrutiny.

After criticizing Trump’s attempt to get Ukraine to investigate, the man accused Biden of selling White House access through his son’s business dealings in Ukraine.

“You’re a damn liar man,” Biden replied. “That’s not true, and no one has ever said that. No one has heard that.”

The voter, who later refused to identify himself other to say he is an 83-year-old farmer, responded saying he saw it on TV.

“You see it on the TV, no I know you do. That’s why I am not sedentary,” Biden replied.

An aide attempted to take his mic away, but Biden said to let him go.

“Look the reason I’m running is because I’ve been around a long time and I know more than most people know, and I can get things done. That’s why I am running. If you want to check my shape, let’s do push-ups together, man. Let’s run. Let’s do whatever you want to do. Let’s take an IQ test,” the 77-year-old former vice president said.

“No one has said my son has done anything wrong and I did not on any occasion, and no one has ever said it, not one,” Biden added.

The voter protested to say he didn’t say Biden did anything wrong.

“You said I set up my son to work in a oil company, isn’t that what you said? Get your words straight Jack,” Biden replied.

The voter claimed he saw it on MSNBC.

“You haven’t heard that on MSNBC, you did not hear that at all,” Biden said.

After saying he didn’t want to argue with the voter, he said, “Look fat, look, here’s the deal, here’s the deal….”

After calling the man fat, the voter said, “you don’t have any backbone than Trump does.”

He was promptly booed after that.


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