image British pastor Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892) had this to say about the glory of our salvation in The Treasury of the New Testament, Volume 1:

The glory of salvation is that whoever believes in the Lord Jesus is completely pardoned.  It is not some of his sin that is put away, but all of it.  I rejoice to look upon it as dear Kent does when he sings,

Hereā€™s pardon for transgressions past,
It matters not how black their cast;
And, O my soul, with wonder view,
For sins to come hereā€™s pardon too.

We are plunged into the fountain of redeeming blood and cleansed from every fear of ever being found guilty before the living God.  We are accepted in the Beloved through the righteousness of Jesus Christ, justified once for all and forever before the Fatherā€™s face!  Christ said, ā€œIt is finished,ā€ and finished it is.  And Oh, what a bliss is this ā€” one of the things that may well stagger those who have never heard it before.  But let them not reject it because it staggers them but rather let them say, ā€œThis wonderful system which saves and saves completely, in an instant, simply by looking out of self to Christ, is a system worthy of divine wisdom, for it magnifies the grace of God and meets manā€™s deepest necessities,ā€ (pg. 451-452)

HT: Ray Ortlund

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