image One of the problems in church today is that our contemplation of God is not properly elevated.  Thomas Schreiner and Bruce Ware right in their book on divine sovereignty, Still Sovereign: Contemporary Perspectives on Election, Foreknowledge, and Grace, write about what is lost in contemporary evangelical theology:

Ours in a culture in which the tendency is to exalt what is human and diminish what is divine.  Even in evangelical circles, we find increasingly attractive a view of God in which God is one of us, as it were, a partner in the unfolding drama of life.  But lost in much of this contemporary evangelical theology is the full omniscience, omnipotence, splendor, greatness, supremacy, rulership, and unqualified lordship of God.  In contrast, the vision of God affirmed in these pages is of One who reigns supreme over all, whose purposes are accomplished without fail, and who directs the course of human affairs, including the central drama of saving a people for the honor of his name, all with perfect holiness and matchless grace, (pg. 11).

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