Adam Graham is a follower of Christ and currently a political Independent. He is the author of the upcoming book We Can Do Better, America. He has been an adult Sunday School teacher. In 2004 Adam ran for the Idaho House of Representatives. He was a delegate to the 2008 Idaho Republican Convention and served as Idaho State Coordinator for Rick Santorum's 2012 Presidential Campaign.
Franklin Graham Spread Malicious Gossip Against Pro-Impeachment Republicans
Adam Graham: Rev. Franklin Graham should individually and publicly apologize to the ten Republican members of Congress he targeted with his reckless statement.
Graham: Sasse’s Attacks on Trump Are Crass and Craven
Adam Graham: The last thing America needs is a political leader whose pious political pronouncements are belied by a record of unprincipled political calculation.
Graham: Why I Won’t Rule Out Supporting a Celebrity for President
Adam Graham: Kanye West may only be fit for a protest vote, and Donald Trump is entirely unfit for office, but we shouldn’t discount celebrity candidates.
Graham: If Serious, Kanye West’s Candidacy Could Reshape 2020 Campaign
Adam Graham: Despite his history and flaws, a strong showing by Kanye West could serve as a needed wake-up call to the awful political parties producing dreadful candidates.
Graham: The Pandemic Doesn’t Care How Just Your Cause Is
Adam Graham: COVID-19 doesn’t care about your gathering’s purpose. If conditions are right, it will spread, it will infect, and in too many cases, it will kill.
Adam Graham: I will not vote to bring further catastrophe on our country or cast a protest vote that in no way represents my values or view of government.
Graham: For Libertarians, the Choice is Amash or Irrelevance
Adam Graham: While not certain, there are reasons to think Justin Amash is far more likely to win the Libertarian nomination than fall flat on his face.