Advice to Pro-Lifers from the Peanut Gallery

  Over at Hot Air Dustin Siggins notes that the pro-life movement…

No, Obama Didn’t Steal the 2008 Election through Fraud

The Internet is screaming with headlines of how Obama “stole the 2008…

At Half-Time, God Took Over

Chuck Colson went home to be with God today after 80 years.…

Book Review: Erasing Hell

Ā  In recent years, certain topics have become verboten in Christian circles…

NOW Continues the Left’s Inept Attacks on Ann Romney

Last night Allahpundit of Hot AirĀ wrote regarding the Hilary Rosen attack on…

Rick Santorum’s Hypothetical Challengers for the Hypothetical 2016 Nomination

Nate Silver offers a fine illustration of how absurd political blogging can…

Lesser of Two Evils 2012

Senator Rick Santorum has ended his race for the White House for…

Uniting the GOP So We Can Lose Respectably to Obama in the Fall

Joe Scarborough revealed some establishment thinking on the way the Presidential race…

And Santorum Rested…

David Brody at CBN notedĀ Rick Santorum’s decision to take 4 days off…

Is Rush Limbaugh Exempt from the Free Market?

The American Spectator’s Jeffrey Lord put out a seven page piece on…

Unpredictable Wisconsin

Dave Weigel over at Slate makes an observationĀ that Wisconsin Polls have not…

The Wisconsin Polls

Over the course of the last week, there have been four sets…

The Half Billion Dollar Lottery: Some Poor Person’s Going to Win It

The Mega Millions Lottery is up to $540 millionĀ and some person is…

“The Gambler” Enters the Presidential Race

Former President George H.W. Bush endorsed Mitt Romney for the second time.…

Why the Romney Needs to Be Inevitable Now

Mitt Romney wants to be inevitable. Mitt Romney’s supporters are pushing the…

Don’t Bet on Santorum 2016

The Romney campaign put out a meme that Rick Santorum’s in the…