Franklin Graham’s Dangerous Double Standards
Adam Graham: Due to Franklin Graham’s prominence, he’s being held up as proof we Christians are all hypocrites by secularists and atheists. And you don’t have to be a radical atheist to see the unfairness of holding Trump to a lower standard than the church holds the average person.
The Party’s Over Part Two: The GOP’s Poisoned Brand
Adam Graham: Likely, for the GOP, attempting to move past Trump will be like pouring new wine into old wineskins about to burst. If we want a conservative party that genuinely speaks to all Americans regardless of race or gender, the only way we’ll get it is to replace the Grand Old Party with a Brand New Party.
Can Black People Read Your Hearts?
Adam Graham: How are Blacks to judge the hearts of Mr. Schlapp and Mr. Walters, based on their statements? The statements show a total lack of concern for Black Americans. Why would Blacks want to be a part of a movement or a party that panders to racists and excuses it by pointing fingers at Blacks?