In 2018, The Federalist Party Should Step Up or Stand Down

Adam Graham: What does the Federalist Party need to do in 2018 to become a refuge for the conservatives fleeing the GOP?

Anti-Adoption Tax Bill Betrays American Families

Adam Graham: House Republicans can make needed tax reforms without penalizing families, failing to do so they should surrender any claim to be pro-family and pro-life.

Fighting the Wrong War

Adam Graham: The battle over Confederate memorials is the wrong war, what Charlottesville demonstrated is that our nation is in serious spiritual trouble.

President Trump is Responsible for Hillary Clinton Not Being Prosecuted

Adam Graham: President Trump either needs to appoint a special prosecutor to look into Secretary Clinton’s wrongdoing or stop using her as a defense.

The Resistance is Trump’s Secret Weapon

Adam Graham: While many on the left warn of the dangers of “normalizing Trump,” the extreme tactics of the far left are normalizing his worst behavior.

Grading Donald Trump’s First 100 Days, Part Three

Adam Graham concludes his series grading President Donald Trump’s first 100 days in office by looking at his conduct as President of the United States.

Grading Donald Trump’s First 100 Days, Part Two

Adam Graham continues his series grading President Donald Trump’s First 100 in office and turns his attention to domestic & social issues and his conduct.

Grading the First 100 Days, Part One

Adam Graham: President Trump claims the 100-day timeframe is “ridiculous” despite having promised to deliver a robust set of results in his first 100 days.

Sessions Should Abandon Obama’s Fake Federalism on Marijuana

Adam Graham: President Obama’s unilateral act to suspend marijuana enforcement was fake federalism that usurped the power of the legislative branch.

Is Trump Playing Christian Voters?

Adam Graham: Christians shouldn’t tout First Lady Melania Trump reciting the Lord’s Prayer and ignore the President’s promises about religious liberty go unfulfilled.

Now More Than Ever…Americans Need to Remember George Washington

Adam Graham: More than 200 years after his death, George Washington remains the gold standard for what American leadership ought to be and rarely is.

An Inconvenient Oath

Adam Graham: Congressional Republicans can choose to sweep the allegations about Michael Flynn under the rug, however they would be ill-advised to do so.

McMullin and Erickson: Two Different Approaches for Trump-Skeptical Conservatives

Adam Graham: Evan McMullin may occasionally be too bold, but far too often, Trump-skeptical conservatives have been too passive.

Grading the Trump Transition

Now that Donald Trump is President Adam Graham evaluates his transition decisions and their impact on the economy, domestic policy, and nationals security.

Grading Obama, Part Two

In the 2nd installment of a series grading President Barack Obama’s time in office Adam Graham looks at his national security record and conduct in office.

Grading Obama, Part One

In the first installment of a series grading President Barack Obama’s time in office Adam Graham looks at Obama’s economic and social agendas.