Dustin Krutsinger, MD, is an Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of Nebraska specializing in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine with advanced training in Epidemiology from the University of Pennsylvania. A graduate of the University of Iowa School of Medicine, Dustin has spent most of his life in Iowa, considers himself a lifelong Iowan and remains in tune with Iowa politics and issues.
Krutsinger: Responding to Drs. Daniel Erickson’s and Artin Massihi’s COVID-19 Claims
Dr. Dustin Krutsinger explains why Dr. Daniel Erickson and Dr. Artin Massihi are wrong in their recent assertions about COVID-19 in video that has gone viral.
Dr. Dustin Krutsinger: There is data that supports social distancing and data that supports opening things up. Anyone who says they know the answer for certain is naive.