The Pope and A Bishop Walk Into A Bar…

…sounds like the beginning of a bad joke. And a couple of…

The River and The Road: A Journey of Redemption by Arthur Young

My Review–– This is a fascinating little book. A friend (Brian Myers,…

What To Do About These Kinds of Prayers

I need to start out with a bit of a disclaimer: I…

Are We Really Less Caring & Compassionate?

Science Daily posted this just the other day: Highly Religious People Are…

A Pastor’s Response To Barack Obama’s Gratitude to PPFA

I’m not a political animal at all. It’s not that politics and…

A Severe Mercy

My oldest daughter is due to deliver our first grand-baby in about…

A helpful book, perhaps; just a bit on the academic side for this pastor.

This is a book review I find myself not wanting to write.…

Trained in the Fear of God––a book review

This book comes at a timely moment for me, as pastor of…

When You’re Under Attack

…do what Charles Spurgeon did. I’ve been reading slowly through Spurgeon’s autobiography…

Hits a Nerve, But Misses the Mark

I’ve finally completed a review of Steve Arterburn & Fred Stoeker’s book,…

Long Story Short by Marty Machowski – a book review

Before I begin with any bit of a review, I want to…

Talking About Jesus & Understanding the Gospel

How do I really know when I’m understanding the gospel?

Moral Law & Tattoos

I’ve started a series on the Ten Commandments and have done a…

A Mirror & A Tutor

The Ten Commandments are a mirror to show us our sins so we’ll be forced to flee to Christ.