Tom Hill: Did Jesus exist prior to His birth? Does the Bible give any clues to answer this question? If so, how does the Bible describe Jesusâ preexistence?
The setting of Aaronâs making the golden calf provides clear examples of the circumstances that encourage false prophets that are more predominate today.
Bible Compromise: 11 Looming Catastrophes You Ought To Know
Hill: Appraisal of the Bible by accepting human theories, postulates, and presuppositions as ultimate certainty destroys the divine character of the Bible.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon, a powerful and effective English Baptist preacher, faced the same modern mega-Church and Church growth proposals advocated today.
Did Jesus approve homosexuality by His silence? The Bible exposes Jesusâ controversial attitude on homosexuality, but not as the LGBTQ community defines it.
10 Monumental Errors to Cultureâs Opposition to Exclusive Truth
Tom Hill: Only the Bible delivers absolute truth. Followers of Christ need not blush in shame over their reliance upon it nor upon their proclamation of it.
Without the truth of God revealed by the Holy Spirit and proclaimed under the power of the Holy Spirit by believers, the Church will continue its decline.
Do You Recognize Rob Bellâs Errors on Homosexuality?
Tom Hill: True love attempts to correct those who deny and disobey the truths of Godâs word, just as loving parents correct their children when they err.
The current condition of the Church requires an accurate, Biblical definition of revival. The many fallacies of revival cause confusion within the Church.
Timothy Keller: Turning Believers into Unbelievers?
Christ demands mankind believe in Him and His Word without doubt or unbelief, including the Genesis 1-2 account of creation. Timothy Keller does not agree.