New Book Warns of Evangelical Left Influence on Millennials

Chelsen Vicari, in a new book titled Distortion, warns new generation of Evangelical Christians is vulnerable to liberalizing trends in the U.S. church.

Bad Movies Won’t Change Culture

Bad films are counterproductive as they suggest to non-Christians instead of serving an awesome and amazing God, Christians serve a cheesy and lame God.

The Battle of Faith versus Science and Reason

Christians seem to be fighting a two-front war dealing with the questions of science and reason. Faith sits at the crux of both questions.

The Endless Culture War

Culture wars never end. That is why the gospel of redemption in Christ must be taken everywhere. It transforms the lost & the world in which they live.

Why the Equal Protection Argument Doesn’t Work in the Marriage Debate

Ryan T. Anderson who is the William E. Simon Fellow at the…

An Open Letter to Social Conservatives

“In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity.” – St.…

Persecuted Movie Review: Thanksgiving Turkey Comes Early

Back when my wife and I would often go to movies with…

Federal Discrimination Against Religion?

Religious groups will not receive an exemption from an executive order signed…

Young Evangelicals Are Not Experiencing a Sexual Revolution

A study completed by Mark Regnerus, a sociologist from the University of Texas, suggests that young evangelicals still embrace biblical teaching on sex.

Same-Sex Family Study Is Nothing But Sham Science

You may have read the completely misleading headline this week: “Children of Same Sex…

Only One in Five Americans Believe the Climate Change Debate is Settled

A Rasmussen Poll shows only 20% of likely US voters believe the scientific debate over climate change is settled including 27% of Democratic voters.

The Star Spangled Banner

We typically have shared the text of the Declaration of Independence  on…

Hobby Lobby Wins, But The Culture May Still Be Lost

I am becoming increasingly convinced that the fight for our culture is…

Planned Parenthood Caught Encouraging Teens to Experiment with BDSM

Live Action again exposes Planned Parenthood.  In a series of videos entitled…

Review: BLUE Provides Compelling Challenge to Environmentalist Agenda

  Remember the name Jeffrey D. King.  He is a homeschooling graduate…

Book Review: The Vision of the Anointed

In his book Vision of the Anointed, Thomas Sowell offers key insights into how…