Faith in the news, U.S. News, World News, Sports, & Technology in the news
Two More Reasons Why Planned Parenthood Must Be Defunded
Planned Parenthood gives two more reasons to demand their defunding: Sick advice for parents of preschoolers and an admission that they ignore federal law.
DeMint Launches New Non-Profit to Support Conservative Movement
Former U.S. Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) launched the Conservative Partnership Initiative a non-profit that will support advancing conservative policies in Congress.
Report Says Attacks on Religious Liberty Up 76% Since 2014
Since 2014 there has been a 76 percent increase in religious freedom violations with an 114 percent surge in instances related to marriage and sexuality.
LCMS Launches Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty, Names First Director
The Rev. Dr. Gregory P. Seltz will be the first executive director of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s new Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty (LCRL).
Southern Baptists Reject the “Anti-Gospel of Alt-Right White Supremacy”
The delegates at the Southern Baptist Convention’s annual meeting unanimously passed a resolution denouncing the “anti-gospel of alt-right white supremacy.”
Planned Parenthood Tells Women to “Google” Abortion Alternative Services
Live Action released a video showing pregnant women referred to Google by Planned Parenthood staff when they asked about alternative pregnancy services.
The Heritage Foundation Board of Trustees unanimously voted to oust former U.S. Senator Jim DeMint as their President and CEO citing management problems.