David Young: It’s your voices which make the most difference on Capitol Hill which is why I travel to each county in Iowa’s 3rd Congressional District every month.
Senator Grassley Provides Perfect Reaction To Senate Democrats’ Tantrum
Kelvey Vander Hart: U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) quickly called out the Democratic disruption at Judge Kavanaugh’s hearing for what it actually was: grandstanding.
Ben Sasse Gives Civics Lesson During Kavanaugh Hearing
U.S. Senator Ben Sasse (R-Nebraska) explained during Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing why the confirmation process for Supreme Court justices has become so politicized.
Grassley: Dems Delay Tactics Aimed at Distracting from Kavanaugh’s Qualifications
U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) on Wednesday addressed the Senate Democrats efforts to delay the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.
U.S. Reps. Rod Blum (R-IA) and Lisa Blunt Rochester introduced the Clean Slate Act, bipartisan legislation that provides a second chance to reformed non-violent drug offenders.