Netflix announced that it may boycott Georgia because of their fetal heartbeat abortion ban. Most Americans want companies to be neutral in the culture wars.
Phil Bair: Some pro-life proponents have urged leaders in DC to pass a Constitutional amendment to protect the life of the unborn, but we already have one.
Phil Bair: If we accept the faulty premise that some abortions are medically necessary some unscrupulous doctors may leverage these exceptions as loopholes.
Ken Rozenboom: When the Iowa Supreme Court violates the Constitution, like inventing a constitutional right to abortion, we the people must correct it.
Pro-Life Constitutional Amendment Advances In Iowa Senate
A constitutional amendment that says the Iowa Constitution does not secure or protect a right to abortion or abortion funding advances in the Iowa Senate.
Senate Attempt to End Taxpayer Funding of Abortion Fails
The U.S. Senate failed to invoke cloture on S. 109, No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act of 2019 by a 48 to 47 vote.