Cindy Axne Pressed on USMCA, Impeachment

Constituents in Mount Ayr, Iowa pressed U.S. Rep. Cindy Axne about the USMCA trade deal and the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump.

Scott Walker Touts Big, Bold Reforms at Urbandale Announcement Tour Stop

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker discussed big and bold reforms he accomplished in his state as a blueprint for the nation to follow as he asked for support.

Brad Anderson’s Campaign Finance Reform Hypocrisy

Brad Anderson, former Democratic Iowa Secretary of State candidate now campaign finance reform champion, had over $1 Million spent to help see him elected.

You Can’t Make Me Join a Union!

The old Groucho Marx line, ā€œPlease accept my resignation. I donā€™t want…

Does Christie Vilsack Represent Iowa 4th Congressional District Values?

Ten reasons why Christie Vilsack does not represent Iowa values and why Steve King is the better choice for Iowa’s 4th Congressional District.

Who Is Against The Iowa Marriage Amendment–HJR 6?

I was curious about what lobbyists were registered against HJR 6, the…

Sarah Palin: Union Brothers and Sisters, Join Our Commonsense Cause!

By Sarah Palin Two years ago almost to the day, I was…

Sarah Palin: Obama’s Predictable, Tiring, Ineffective Lecture

By Sarah Palin Congressā€™ approval rating is at 11% because politicians thwart…