ā€˜Even In A Pandemic, the Constitution Cannot Be Put Away and Forgottenā€™

The Supreme Court offered a stinging rebuke of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomoā€™s COVID-19 restrictions on houses of worship in ā€œredā€ and ā€œorangeā€ zones.

Wealth Moves Away From Bad Tax Policy

Kelvey Vander Hart: New Yorkā€™s projected revenue loss should serve as a reminder to all of us that bad or unequal tax policies are not the way of the future.

Who Is the Most (and Least) Popular Governor?

Morning Consultā€™s 2016 list of Governorā€™s approval rating found Governor Dennis Daugaard (R-South Dakota) is the nationā€™s most popular governor.

Caffeinated Thoughts Radio 1/3/2015

Shane and Brian talk to Rosaria Champagne Butterfield the author of Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert and a former liberal, lesbian college professor.

Common Core Will Be a Litmus Test Issue in 2016

Advocates try to downplay support for the Common Core State Standards as being a problem in 2016 for Jeb Bush. They will find they are sorely mistaken.

2016 Labor Day Presidential Preference Poll

Caffeinated Thoughts offers its first reader presidential preference poll for 2016. The poll closes on Thursday, September 4th, 2014 at 12:00am (CDT).

My Cold Dead Fingers

Do the liberal politicians who favor gun control measures, especially confiscation, understandā€¦