So What Did We Learn from Betsy DeVos’ Hearing?

The American people were shortchanged if they wanted to hear relevant, substantive questions and answers during Betsy DeVos’ confirmation hearing.

Jeb Bush Wasn’t Against Federal Involvement in Common Core in 2011

In 2011 former Florida Governor Jeb Bush praised U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan’s use of carrots and sticks to pressure states to change.

Jeb Bush’s Flawed (Common) Core Values

Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush may be beating his chest in New Hampshire with a friendly group, but he’s been relatively silent on Common Core in Iowa.

Arne Duncan’s Latest Education Power Grab from States

U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan wants to phase out the authority of States to define modified academic achievement standards and develop alternate assessments.

Arne Duncan Seeks to Ensure Equal Distribution of School Resources

Arne Duncan announced guidance for school districts & states on what the USDED will consider economic and racial disparity in schools and how to fix it.

Schools Firing Talented, Experienced Teachers

Federal programs are failing the teaching profession once again using a bull dozer to solve a small problem with the constraints that tenure put on firing some teachers.

Obama Administration Seeks to Federalize Teacher Preparation

If the Obama administration successfully federalizes teacher-prep programs, competition based on achievement will be removed from the educational system.

Chuck Grassley Leads Effort to Defund Common Core in U.S. Senate

Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) is leading an effort to defund the Common Core State Standards at the federal level and asking his colleagues to join him.

Public School Teachers Are Not Underpaid, and There’s Probably Too Many of Them

“Teachers are underpaid.”  I hear this comment frequently from people in various…

Iowa’s No Child Left Behind Waiver Request Denied

The U.S. Department of Education denied the Iowa Department of Education’s No…

District-Level Race to the Top: School Districts Beholden to the Feds

I blogged at Truth in American Education late last month about the…

Sarah Palin Was a Prophet About Obama’s Education Takeover

By Maggie Gallagher Sarah Palin was the first to recognize the problem:…

Has Arne Duncan Junked the Common Core?

Or is he just jerking us around? This week the state senate…

Arne Duncan the Common Core Bully

What happens when a state decides or some state legislators decide they…

The Legislative Branch By-Pass

The Iowa Department of Education announced they are seeking citizen input for…

Romney Confused About Federal Government’s Role in Education, Again

It isn’t the first time.  Over the weekend, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt…