Myers: One of the Most Disheartening Things About Biden’s Apparent Win

Brian Myers: What I find really disheartening is knowing that nothing will be done about what may well have been the biggest corruption scandal in my lifetime.

Myers: Covering Up Alleged Corruption Should Concern Us All

Brian Myers: If the New York Post report about Hunter Biden is true seeing corruption of this sort and the willingness to cover it up should concern us all.

Myers: Beware the Development of a Police State During ‘Emergencies’

Brian Myers: Zoe-Lee Buhler was arrested for ā€˜incitementā€™ in Australia for organizing an anti-lockdown protest. Think this could never happen in the U.S.?

Myers: Are the Wildfires of 2020 Unprecedented?

Brian Myers: The data simply doesnā€™t support the notion that wildfires are unprecedented or the claim that these fires are the result of climate change.

Myers: Pandemic Lockdowns Were Unnecessary

Brian Myers: I remain convinced that the lockdowns were one of the greatest public policy boondoggles in the history of our country.

Myers: Vaccinations Are Good, Forced Vaccinations Are Not

Brian Myers: “As wonderful as vaccines are, it is a fearful thing for governments to have the level of intrusive power over the individual required to legislate compulsory vaccination.”

Myers: Changing Attitudes Over Using Hydroxychloroquine to Treat COVID-19

Brian Myers: The media and the Democrats managed to negatively politicize a drug that could have been helpful to COVID-19 patients.

Caffeinated Thought of the Week: There Is No Pandemic Clause in the Constitution

Brian Myers: The Framers were well aware of contagion, yet they did not make any of our constitutional rights contingent upon the absence of one.

Caffeinated Thought of the Week: Romney and Black Lives Matter

Brian Myers: It’s nearly impossible to distinguish between ā€œblack lives matter,ā€ the conviction, and ā€œBlack Lives Matter,ā€ the political movement.

Caffeinated Thought of the Week: Sweden’s Approach to COVID-19

Brian Myers: “Sweden’s ‘herd immunity’ approach, if they have successfully achieved it, should mean that a resurgence would be relatively inconsequential.”