Impeachment as a Power Fantasy Undermines the Real Thing Adam Graham: In these polarized times, the bulk of initial support for any impeachment is going to come from a President’s most vociferous opponents because of personal animus. Adam GrahamJanuary 16, 20204 minute read
Evangelicals Should Be Wary Giving Unconditional Loyalty to Any Politician Shane Vander Hart: My only encouragement to Christians is to vote their conscience in the ballot box, then hold whoever is elected accountable. Shane Vander HartDecember 23, 20193 minute read
A Response to Christianity Today’s Call for President Trump’s Removal Shane Vander Hart responds to Mark Galli’s editorial in Christianity Today that called for the removal of President Donald Trump from office. Shane Vander HartDecember 20, 201912 minute read
Politics and Our Christian Witness Shane Vander Hart: As Christians participate in the public square what does our participation say about our witness for Jesus Christ? Shane Vander HartDecember 13, 20174 minute read
Consider the Bad News of the Common Core Before Dr. Karen Swallow Prior continues to laud the “good news of the Common Core” to Christians she should spend more time researching the bad. Shane Vander HartJuly 9, 20136 minute read
God’s Most Awesome Silence I appreciate this passage by American theologian Carl F.H. Henry (1913-2003) who… Shane Vander HartMarch 12, 20112 minute read
Gay Marriage and Fidelity In my inbox this evening I saw a story that relates well… Shane Vander HartMay 12, 20104 minute read
Jennifer Knapp’s Coming Out My heart was heavy this evening when I read an article at… Shane Vander HartApril 18, 20106 minute read