New Study: Common Core ELA Standards Harms U.S. History Instruction

A new Pioneer Institute study finds Common Core will further damage history instruction by including U.S. History in its English language arts standards.

Should Paternity Testing Be Discussed in 6th Grade Literature Class?

The Common Core State Standards place an emphasis on informational text which can lead to paternity testing being discussed in a 6th grade literature class.

Study Finds Poetry Slighted in Common Core English Standards

A Pioneer Institute study points out that while April is National Poetry Month, but poetry is not well addressed in Common Coreā€™s ELA standards.

Consider the Bad News of the Common Core

Before Dr. Karen Swallow Prior continues to laud the ā€œgood news of the Common Coreā€ to Christians she should spend more time researching the bad.

Six Reasons Why Conservatives (Should) Object to the Common Core

Kathleen Porter-Magee and Sol Stern ask in the National Review why conservatives object to the Common Core State Standards. Here are six reasons.

Glenn Beck Blasts the Common Core

Glenn Beck shined a spotlight on the Common Core State Standards in his show on The Blaze TV saying it is one of the greatest problems we now face.

New Study Suggests Remedies for Common Coreā€™s Literature Deficit

A new study released by Pioneer Institute shows that states that have adopted the Common Core State Standards should include a literature-based standard.