I Really Can’t Feel Bad for Reince Priebus

Shane Vander Hart: How President Donald Trump treated Reince Priebus is outrageous, but I still can’t bring myself to feel sorry for him now that he is out.

Caffeinated Thoughts Radio 7-29-17 (Jake Porter & Christopher Peters)

This week on Caffeinated Thoughts Radio, Libertarian Gubernatorial Candidate Jake Porter and Republican Congressional Candidate Christopher Peters join us.

If Trump Fires Sessions He Shouldn’t Expect Senate Cooperation

President Donald Trump has the power to fire Attorney General Jeff Sessions, but if he does he should not expect Senate cooperation to appoint a new one.

President Trump Can’t Command Through Twitter

Vander Hart: President Donald Trump can’t command the military through Twitter. If he wants to change military policy he needs to sign an executive order.

Serving in the Military Is Not a Right

Vander Hart: Serving in the United States military is not a right. Our armed forces are exclusive by design that makes them the most effective fighting force in the world.

Trump Reverses Obama’s Transgender Military Directive

President Donald Trump announced he was reversing President Obama’s directive allowing transgendered individuals into the military.

The White House Dumpster Fire

Shane Vander Hart: Watching the White House right now is like watching a dumpster fire. It’s captivating, but it stinks & President Trump keeps fueling it.

President Trump is Responsible for Hillary Clinton Not Being Prosecuted

Adam Graham: President Trump either needs to appoint a special prosecutor to look into Secretary Clinton’s wrongdoing or stop using her as a defense.

Praying for Donald Trump Is Not Heresy

Vander Hart: Praying for President Trump or any leader is not heresy. We are commanded to do it. Regardless of the president, irrespective of the party.

Grassley: The FBI Must Be Independent Yet Accountable

U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) said that the FBI director’s term isn’t meant to protect him from politicians, but to protect Americans from abuses.

Donald Trump Jr’s Trouble with Russia

Shane Vander Hart: Donald Trump Jr’s meeting with a Russian lawyer looks bad, but it is not illegal. Democrats should consider their own history and spare us the outrage.

It’s Too Early to Think About the 2020 Iowa GOP Caucus

It is too early to speculate whether Republican elected officials coming into the state of Iowa plan to challenge Donald Trump and whether it is welcome.

Sarah’s Law Passes in the U.S. House

On Thursday, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to pass the No Sanctuary for Criminals Act (H.R. 3003) which included language from Sarah’s Law.

Trump’s Twitter Attacks Are Unbecoming of The President

Shane Vander Hart: Donald Trump’s attacks on MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski Thursday morning on Twitter are unbecoming of the presidency.

The American Model of Economics: Follow Harding and Coolidge’s Example

John Hendrickson: President Donald Trump can look to Presidents Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge’s example of following an American model of economics.

CNN = Credibility Nullified Network

Shane Vander Hart: In the Trump era CNN needs to make a significant course correction, or it will forever be the Credibility Nullified Network.