Caffeinated Thoughts Radio 3-4-17 (Guest: Jason Schultz)
State Senator Jason Schultz (R-Schleswig) joins Shane Vander Hart on Caffeinated Thoughts Radio to discuss collective bargaining and life at conception.
Kelvey Vander Hart shares her top five highlights from the third and final day of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in National Harbor, MD.
Caffeinated Thoughts Radio 2-25-17 (Jon Schweppe & Kelvey Vander Hart)
American Principles Project’s Jon Schweppe discusses President Trump’s first month. Kelvey Vander Hart reports from CPAC on Caffeinated Thoughts Radio.
Adam Graham: Christians shouldn’t tout First Lady Melania Trump reciting the Lord’s Prayer and ignore the President’s promises about religious liberty go unfulfilled.
Shane Vander Hart: The Trump Administration should be commended for rescinding the President Obama’s school bathroom directive for transgendered students.
The White House this week released what they believe are President Donald Trump’s accomplishments in his first month. Are you satisfied? Take our poll!
A Cabinet Fight Over Rescinding Obama’s Transgender Directive to Schools?
The New York Times used only anonymous sources to report a cabinet fight over President Trump’s plan to rescind Obama’s transgender directive to schools.
Limited Government Policies Lead to Economic Growth
John Hendrickson: States following limited-government policies, such as North Carolina, Wisconsin, and Texas, are leading the way in terms of economic growth.
House Votes to Overturn Obama’s Parting Gift to Planned Parenthood
The U.S. House of Representatives voted 229 to 188 to overturn former President Obama’s rule forbidding states from defunding Planned Parenthood of Title X money.
Adam Graham: Congressional Republicans can choose to sweep the allegations about Michael Flynn under the rug, however they would be ill-advised to do so.
Caffeinated Thoughts Radio 2-11-17 (Guests: Paul Pate & Faith McDonnell)
Last week Shane Vander Hart and Brian Myers were joined by Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate and Faith McDonnell of the Institute of Religion & Democracy.
Shouldn’t Des Moines Public Schools Board Focus on Education?
Vander Hart: The Des Moines Public Schools Board passed two resolutions dealing with immigration and refugees issues voters did not elect them to handle.