Is Mitt Romney Trying to Alienate Prolife Voters? What exactly does Mitt Romney think he has to gain by saying there is no prolife legislation in his agenda? Shane Vander HartOctober 9, 20123 minute read
Santorum: Mitt Romney Hit the Reset Button in Puerto Rico In a conference call with bloggers yesterday Rick Santorum criticized Mitt Romney… Shane Vander HartMarch 23, 20121 minute read
What Other Classic Toys Would Mitt Romney Take to the White House? What I Have Written, I Have Written (Until I Erase It) Like… David ShedlockMarch 22, 20121 minute read
Romney Responds to Etch A Sketchgate: “I’m Running as a Conservative Republican” The Etch A Sketch candidate, Mitt Romney, responds to the stupidest remark… Shane Vander HartMarch 21, 20121 minute read