Bauer, Grassley and Reynolds Join Line-up for Family Leadership Summit

Gary Bauer, U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley, and Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds will speak at the 7th annual Family Leadership Summit on Friday, September 14.

National Pro-Life Leaders Warn Republicans on Planned Parenthood Funding

Ten national pro-life leaders to Congressional Republicans: It is well past time to keep your campaign promise to defund Planned Parenthood.

What Candidates Should Say If Supreme Court Approves Gay Marriage

Social conservative insiders were asked how GOP presidential candidates should react to the Supreme Courtā€™s anticipated ruling on gay marriage.

On South Carolina Primary Eve Rick Santorum Surges In Endorsements

Rick Santorum on the eve of the South Carolina Primary saw a surge in endorsements from national and local social conservative leaders and activists.

Gettysburg, Evangelicals and the South Carolina Primary

There is a particularly poignant scene in the movie Gettysburg where Major…

Why Rick Santorum Should Be President of the United States

ā€œGame on.ā€ Those two words, spoken by Rick Santorum as he addressed…