Common Core Debate Comes to the Iowa House (Des Moines, IA) State Representative Tedd Gassman (R-Scarville) introduced two bills that… Shane Vander HartFebruary 6, 20146 minute read
Heartsill Introduces Term Limit Legislation in Iowa House (Des Moines, IA) State Representative Greg Heartsill (R – Columbia) has introduced… Shane Vander HartFebruary 4, 20142 minute read
Raising the Gas Tax is Wrong for Iowa Last Thursday, a Iowa House subcommittee voted 5-0 in favor of House… Shane Vander HartFebruary 3, 20143 minute read
As Promised Rick Santorum Returns to Lyon County Rick Santorum at the Lyon County Republican dinner challenged the group to fight back against the negative culture changes and broaden who they speak to. Shane Vander HartAugust 9, 20135 minute read
Ben Swann Visits Iowa to Rally Liberty Movement Liberty Iowa PAC rallied their grassroots with an event hosted in Des Moines last Friday keynoted by popular media personality Ben Swann. Shane Vander HartJuly 1, 20135 minute read
Group Exposes Taxpayer Funding for LGBTQ Promotion Pastors, legislators & parents expressed their displeasure with taxpayer money used to fund the Governor’s Conference on LGBTQ Youth on April 3rd. Shane Vander HartMarch 28, 20133 minute read
Iowa House Bill Prevents No-Fault Divorce Between Parents State Representative Ted Gassman introduced HF 338 in the Iowa House which would prevent parents with minor children from getting a no-fault divorce. Shane Vander HartMarch 5, 20132 minute read
Which Personhood Bill Should the Iowa Pro-Life Community Support? Most in the Iowa Pro-Life Community probably don’t realize there has been not one, but two personhood bills filed in the Iowa House. Shane Vander HartMarch 4, 20133 minute read
New Push in Iowa to Make Gold and Silver Legal Tender House File 346, a bill filed in the Iowa House, would make gold and silver coins legal tender in the state of Iowa. Shane Vander HartMarch 1, 20132 minute read
Personhood Bill Filed in the Iowa House State Representative Tom Shaw (R-Laurens) filed a personhood bill, House File 138, which would make the abortion of preborn babies murder in Iowa. Shane Vander HartFebruary 7, 20132 minute read
Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad Delivers His 2013 Condition of the State Address Iowa Governor Terry Branstad highlighted property tax relief, improving education and the quality of life in his 2013 Condition of the State address. Shane Vander HartJanuary 15, 201320 minute read
Independent Accreditation For Private Schools (HF 167) Survives Funnel Week in Iowa House Des Moines, IA – American Principles in Action would like to thank… Caffeinated ThoughtsMarch 5, 20112 minute read
Support Iowa House File 167–Independent Accreditation for Iowa’s Private Schools The Iowa Association of Christian Schools introduced HF 167 with the help… Eric GoransonFebruary 24, 20112 minute read
Day 9: Rod Roberts for Lt. Governor Campaign – Three More Endorsements & Radio Time Three more Republican leaders endorsed our campaign to persuade Governor Terry Branstad… Shane Vander HartJune 22, 20101 minute read
Three More State Representatives Endorse Rod Roberts for Governor State Representative and Gubernatorial Candidate Rod Roberts (R-Carroll) announced today that State… Shane Vander HartFebruary 28, 20101 minute read
Roberts Lands Endorsements From Former and Current State Representatives In addition to Shane’s endorsement this morning, Rod Roberts received other endorsements… Caffeinated ThoughtsFebruary 22, 20102 minute read