Caffeinated Thoughts Radio 10-1-16 (NBC Debate & Robert Gagnon)

Shane Vander Hart and Brian Myers on Caffeinated Thoughts Radio discuss the first presidential debate and discuss the LGBT agenda with Dr. Robert Gagnon.

Caffeinated Thoughts Radio 8-27-16 (Guests: Kimberly Arms Shirk & Steve Myers)

This week on CT Radio Brian Myers and Steve Riker are joined by Kimberly Arms Shirk author of Remote Fears & Silver Linings and Steve Myers of CyHawk Thoughts.

Video Illustrates Why Target Should Rethink Its Restroom Policy

A video that has gone viral illustrates why Target’s new restroom policy is bad news, they allow men, dressed as men, into the women’s restroom.

Obama’s Religious Freedom Ambassador Opposes Religious Freedom at Home

President Barack Obama on Monday appointed Rabbi David Nathan Saperstein as Ambassador…

Newspaper Editors Can’t Exercise Free Speech?

Bob Eschliman is the editor of the Newton Daily News.  He is…

Iowa Supreme Court Ignores Biology and Common Sense

The Iowa Supreme Court ignores biology and common sense by ordering both names of a same-sex couple to be included on a birth certificate.

Lesbian Roleplaying in Middle School Anti-Bullying Program

Linden Avenue Middle School in Red Hook, NY offered an anti-bullying program which required middle school girls to ask for a lesbian kiss.

Defending Marriage and Religious Liberty

In the last few days we have seen several incidents where religious liberty is under attack that have been directly correlated to gay rights and marriage.

What’s the LGBT Rights Movement’s End Game?

What is the end game for the LGBT Rights movement? Equal rights or to silence any opposing viewpoint in their quest to normalize homosexuality?

Dissecting Obama’s 2013 Inaugural Address

In what was the most liberal inauguration address in his lifetime, if not American history, Shane Vander Hart dissects Obama’s 2nd Inauguration Address.

Is Freedom of Religion Fading?

On a cold November morning in 1620, one hundred and one British…