Betsy DeVos: “There Isn’t Really Any Common Core Anymore.” Wrong.
Shane Vander Hart: U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos has not said much about Common Core since being confirmed, and what she has said has been entirely incorrect.
Jack Whitver: Despite limited resources in budgeting for the FY 17-18, Iowa Senate Republicans support adding $40 million in new K-12 education spending.
Branstad Campaign Rhetoric on Common Core Rings Hollow
Former State Representative Jeff Kaufmann lauded Governor Branstad’s belief in local control of education which rings hallow to anyone who knows better.
Congressional Candidate Rod Blum Blasts Common Core
Rod Blum says the Common Core Standards were poorly designed and testing students at a national, one-size fits all manner can’t produce reliable results.
Iowa House and Senate Republicans along with the Branstad Administration introduced the Iowa Strong Schools component of their Iowa Strong Initiative and it is too vague to criticize or praise.
Steve King and Christie Vilsack Tangle Over No Child Left Behind
Congressman Steve King (R-Kiron) and Former First Lady Christie Vilsack (D-Ames) discussed education in the final debate in the Iowa 4th Congressional Race.