New Year’s Thoughts from a ‘Boomer’ Doc

Dr. Jane Orient: To this Boomer, it appears that the younger generation is blaming us for all the Evil in the world, from their perch of “woke” moral superiority.

InterVarsity Christian Fellowship Stands Up for Biblical Human Sexuality

InterVarsity Christian Fellowship decided it will dismiss any staff who say they support same-sex marriage or disagree with biblical view of human sexuality.

Hillary Clinton’s Most Awkward Interview (Video)

Hillary Clinton needed to shore up the millennial vote apparently and made a guest appearance on “Between Two Ferns” with Zach Galifanakis.

Caffeinated Thoughts Radio 9-17-16 (Guests: Jane Orient & Kedron Bardwell)

On Caffeinated Thoughts Radio we talk to Dr. Jane Orient of the American Association of Physicians & Surgeons and Dr. Kedron Bardwell of Simpson College.

Reaching Millennials In This Age of Absurdity

Kelvey Vander Hart: I love conservatism, but as a Millennial, watching the right’s attempt at outreach to this generation can make me cringe.

Donald Trump’s Problem with Millennials

In the latest McClatchy/Marist poll Donald Trump comes in dead last among voters under 30 behind Hillary Clinton, Gary Johnson and Jill Stein.

Caffeinated Thoughts Radio 4-16-16 (Guests: Wayne Brough & Kelvey Vander Hart)

Dr. Wayne Brough of FreedomWorks and Kelvey Vander Hart of Millennials for Cruz join Shane Vander Hart and Brian Myers on Caffeinated Thoughts Radio.

Why A Millennial Endorsed a Courageous Conservative

Kelvey Vander Hart explains why she is backing the candidate in the Iowa Caucus she believes is a courageous conservative – U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX).

Caffeinated Thoughts Radio 11-28-15

This week on CT Radio: Brian Myers and Bart Munson talk to Faith McDonnell of the Institute of Religion and Democracy about the Syrian refugee crisis.

The Marriage Rate Has Dropped to New Low

The marriage rate has dropped significantly since 1960 new Census data shows and there are a number of reasons why young adults are putting off marriage.

Why We Must Reach the “12-22 Window”

Yesterday I was given a copy of an article written by Shane

They’re Coming

Generation Y/Millennials (referred to as Generation We in this video) will be