New Poll Shows Americans Reject Court-Imposed Abortion Policy

A new poll shows that of those who are decided 58 percent of Americans want their elected officials, not courts to determine abortion policy.

Kevin Williamson: An Example of the Silencing of the Right

Shane Vander Hart: Kevin Williamson’s firing at The Atlantic is an example of the left silencing those with whom they disagree. If he is “too extreme,” what influential conservative voice out there do they believeĀ isn’t?

Erasing the Confederacy

Shane Vander Hart: A good faith conversation about what place the Confederacy should have in our collective historical memory is necessary but difficult to have.

Mississippi: The Republican Establishment’s Shame

The Mississippi Republican Senate Primary runoff election between State Senator Chris McDaniel…

AFP Iowa, National Review to Cohost U.S. Senate Primary Debate

Americans for Prosperity – Iowa and National Review cohosts Iowa U.S. Senate Primary debate on Wednesday, October 25th at Drake University in Des Moines.

Six Reasons Why Conservatives (Should) Object to the Common Core

Kathleen Porter-Magee and Sol Stern ask in the National Review why conservatives object to the Common Core State Standards. Here are six reasons.

National Review’s Circular Firing Squad

I realize that Iā€™m a day late and a dollar short on…