Lesbian Roleplaying in Middle School Anti-Bullying Program

Linden Avenue Middle School in Red Hook, NY offered an anti-bullying program which required middle school girls to ask for a lesbian kiss.

MSNBCā€™s Melissa Harris-Perry: All Your Kids Belong To Us

MSNBC Host and Tulane professor Melissa Harris-Perry endorses collective responsibility and ā€œownershipā€ of children that is harmful to parental rights.

Because A Few Parents Beat Their Kids, None Should Have Choice?

I wrote about this earlier today on another blog, but wanted toā€¦

Parents Know Best

WASHINGTON, D.C. (April 5, 2012)ā€”The American Federation for Childrenā€”the nationā€™s voice forā€¦

South Carolina Educrats Putting Children at Risk

I was alerted about a situation in South Carolina where the stateā€¦

Michelle Obama, Child Nutrition and Parental Sovereignty

In remarks made yesterday during the signing of Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act,ā€¦