What Will Betsy DeVos Bring to the Role of Secretary of Education?

Shane Vander Hart: While Betsy DeVos may not have been my first (or second or third or fourth) choice as Secretary of Education I will give her a chance.

Parents, Activists Press Trump to Keep Campaign Promises on Education

Parents and activists are pressing President-Elect Donald Trump to keep promises he made to end Common Core and to decrease the federal role in education.

U.S. Senate Passes No Child Left Behind Rewrite

The U.S. Senate passed 81 to 17 S. 1177, the Every Child Achieves Act, a bill advocates says “fixes” No Child Left Behind while critics say it isn’t enough.

Fifty-Five Scholars Oppose New AP U.S. History Framework

Fifty-five prominent scholars signed a letter released yesterday opposing the College Board’s 2014 AP U.S. History Framework.

Why the Common Core is Wrong for Iowa

Therefore it is imperative that parents, grandparents, and taxpayers call for the review of the Common Core that was enfolded into the Iowa Core!

New Book Brings Political Right, Left and Center Together to Stop Common Core

Resounding Books officially announced publication of Common Ground on Common Core an 18-essay volume from twenty top education experts and activists.

New Study: Common Core ELA Standards Harms U.S. History Instruction

A new Pioneer Institute study finds Common Core will further damage history instruction by including U.S. History in its English language arts standards.

Des Moines Public Schools’ Race to the Middle in Middle School

Middle schools in Des Moines are dropping advanced classes for their experiment in standards based grading as they implement the Iowa Core in the district.

Should Paternity Testing Be Discussed in 6th Grade Literature Class?

The Common Core State Standards place an emphasis on informational text which can lead to paternity testing being discussed in a 6th grade literature class.

Study Finds Poetry Slighted in Common Core English Standards

A Pioneer Institute study points out that while April is National Poetry Month, but poetry is not well addressed in Common Core’s ELA standards.

Caffeinated Thoughts Radio 3-15-14

Shane Vander Hart and Brian Myers talked with Dr. Sandra Stotsky, professor

WI Schools Chief Threatens Lawsuit if Common Core Is Rejected

Wisconsin State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Dr. Tony Evers, said that any rejection of the Common Core may be taken to the WI Supreme Court.

Common Core Math Standards Won’t Prepare Students for STEM

Pioneer Institute paper states that the Common Core State Standards won’t prepare high school graduates to pursue four-year degrees in STEM fields.

Michigan House Votes to Defund Common Core State Standards

The Michigan House passed an education budget bill with an amendment that stops state funding for the implementation of the Common Core and its assessments.

Six Reasons Why Conservatives (Should) Object to the Common Core

Kathleen Porter-Magee and Sol Stern ask in the National Review why conservatives object to the Common Core State Standards. Here are six reasons.

Jason Glass Responds to My Critique of the Iowa DOE Report

Jason Glass, Director of the Iowa Department of Education, responds to Shane Vander Hart’s critique of the DOE annual report. Shane then counters.