Caffeinated Thoughts Radio 4-29-17 (Faith McDonnell & Cal Beisner)

Faith McDonnell of the Institute on Religion and Democracy and Cal Beisner of the Cornwall Alliance join Brian Myers and Joel Kurtinitis on this week’s Caffeinated Thoughts Radio.

Hillary Clinton: We Are Going To Raise Taxes on the Middle Class (Video)

Hillary Clinton said during a campaign rally in Omaha, NE on Monday that she will raise taxes on the middle class to loud applause from her supporters.

John Kasich Is Headed to Iowa

Ohio Governor John Kasich is scheduled to speak at the Greater Des Moines Partnership at noon on Wednesday, June 24, 2015 in Des Moines, Iowa.

The Size (and Price) of the Toy

The favorite toy of many little (and big) boys is a shiny,…

Political PvP (Private vs. Public): Regulation and Taxes

Comparing the private sector and the public sector it is clear that over-regulation and high taxes hinder our nation’s prosperity.

Political PvP (Public versus Private): Trade, Value, and Theft

The second article in a series by Jason Schmidt that compares the private sector with the public sector.

Political PvP: Budgeting

In a series on Political PvP (Player vs. Player), Jason Schmidt looks at the difference between budgeting in the private sector versus the public sector.

Denver Debate Quick Takeaways

Round one is done. The Denver debate between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama showed Romney to be the aggressor. How did undecideds see the debate?

Politicians Play “Heads I Win, Tails You Lose”

No one likes to lose, even at Tic-Tac-Toe or flipping a coin.…

Occupy Wall Street: Envy Protests Greed

In aĀ 2008 debate, Charlie Gibson asked Barack Obama about his support for…

The Great Debt Default Crisis Lie

The great debt default ā€œcrisisā€ is over- for now. It seems everyone…

Tim Pawlenty, The Tax-Wrecker

  Sometimes you can gain insight into a Republican by what the…

Abridged Transcript: Iowa Governor Culver and Former Governor Branstad Debate

(In case you missed it and donā€™t have time to read the…

Shell Games, Shakedowns and Health Care Shenanigans

Throughout this whole health care reform business weā€™ve seen a lot of…

What Will This General Assembly Session Be Remembered For?

By Kraig Paulsen, Iowa House Republican Leader This weekend I was on…

Vander Plaats: With Friends Like These…?

I want at least my share of state taxes and property taxes…