The Non-Controversy Surrounding Matt Whitaker’s Law Firm Ads

U.S. Senate candidate Matt Whitaker’s law firm is running radio ads touting their conservative bona fides and that has raised some eyebrows. It shouldn’t.

The FAMiLY Leader and Donald Trump, Part Two

Clarifying my critique of The FAMiLY Leader’s decision to have Donald Trump speak at their upcoming FAMiLY Leadership Summit.

The Ron Paul Party of Iowa

After reading Kevin Hall’s piece yesterday at The Iowa Republican about the…

Bachmann Leads Romney in Latest Iowa Caucus Poll

The Iowa Republican conducted the latest Iowa Caucus poll which has Minnesota…

Regarding My Sarah Palin Fanaticism

I think I touched a nerve… Craig Robinson responded to my post…

Sarah Palin – Beware of the Iowa Focus Group

Former Governor Sarah Palin hasn’t even decided to run.  We haven’t even…

Over 200 Activists Expected at Des Moines Screening of “I Want Your Money”

Registrations for the pre-release screening of “I Want Your Money” in Des…

Matt Schultz Edges Michael Mauro in Recent Polling of Iowa’s Secretary of State Race

From Matt Schultz’s campaign: Council Bluffs, Iowa – August 5, 2010 –…