Those Who Impeached Trump Owe Americans An Apology

Donald Bohlken: Those who impeached Trump failed to ascertain the facts and impeached a President because he exercised his First Amendment rights.

Franklin Graham Spread Malicious Gossip Against Pro-Impeachment Republicans

Adam Graham: Rev. Franklin Graham should individually and publicly apologize to the ten Republican members of Congress he targeted with his reckless statement.

Bohlken: House Impeachment Vote Is Lawless

Donald Bohlken: The House of Representatives held a snap impeachment debate and vote that is lawless and based on an obviously false proposition.

Ernst Votes to Acquit President Trump on Both Impeachment Articles

U.S. Senator Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, said that the House Managers’ case did not define anything President Trump has done that rises to the level of impeachment.

U.S. Senate Votes to Acquit President Donald Trump

The U.S. Senate voted to acquit President Donald Trump on both articles of impeachment submitted by the U.S. House of Representatives.

Grassley: Houseā€™s Impeachment Case is Constitutionally Flawed

U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley: “The House may cower at defending its own authority, but the Senate shouldnā€™t have to clean up a mess of the Houseā€™s own making.”

U.S. Senate Votes Down Calling Witnesses In Trump Impeachment Trial

The U.S. Senate defeated a motion to call witnesses in President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial by a 49 to 51 largely party-line vote.

Impeachment as a Power Fantasy Undermines the Real Thing

Adam Graham: In these polarized times, the bulk of initial support for any impeachment is going to come from a Presidentā€™s most vociferous opponents because of personal animus.

Franken on Impeachment: Let Voters Decide

Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Michael Franken told Caffeinated Thoughts before an event in Sioux City, Iowa that he prefers voters remove President Trump.

Ernst Joins Senate Colleagues Calling on Pelosi to Forward Articles of Impeachment

U.S. Senator Joni Ernst joins her Senate colleagues in support of a Senate resolution that gives the House a deadline to forward Articles of Impeachment.

Forward the Impeachment Articles to the U.S. Senate

Shane Vander Hart: Speaker Pelosi’s delay in forwarding the articles of impeachment to the Senate contradicts their claims that impeaching President Trump was urgent.

A Response to Christianity Today’s Call for President Trump’s Removal

Shane Vander Hart responds to Mark Galli’s editorial in Christianity Today that called for the removal of President Donald Trump from office.

Donald Trump Becomes Third President to Be Impeached

The U.S. House of Representatives approved two articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump making him the third president in history to be impeached.

King Defends Trump During Impeachment Debate

U.S. Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, defended President Donald Trump during House floor debate over two articles of impeachment against the President.

Axne, Finkenauer Announce Support of Articles of Impeachment

U.S. Reps. Cindy Axne, D-Iowa, and Abby Finkenauer, D-Iowa, announced they will support articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump in the upcoming vote.

Articles of Impeachment Advance to Full House

The House Judiciary Committee by a 23 to 17 party line vote advanced two articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump to be voted on by the full House.