Tyranny Thrives In Chaos

Kelvey Vander Hart: As we work together to help contain the spread of COVID-19, donā€™t allow the feeling of camaraderie in the face of chaos to blind you to government overreach during this time.

President Obama: Reject Voices That Warn About Government Tyranny

President Obama during a commencement address at Ohio State University said to reject voices warning about government tyranny. This is the opposite of what the Founders advised.

Clash of Worldly Views: Religions and Politics of the Imagination

It would be better not to vote if you have to choose between tyrants and libertines.

Challenge Nightcruzr And Get Your Google Account Locked Up

I covered it here and here. LeĀ·gal InĀ·surĀ·recĀ·tion covered it here. Littleā€¦