Christian Citizenship Part 1: A Christian Nation?

Brian Myers: When considering the responsibilities for the Christian in relation to his citizenship, we first need to consider what kind of nation we are in.

With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

Shane Vander Hart: Gov. Kim Reynolds’ order closing businesses and prohibiting gatherings and events larger than ten people is an irresponsible use of power

What States Will Gain and Lose Congressional Seats After 2020 Census?

After the 2020 Census, Esri predicts nine states will lose a congressional seat, seven states will gain one, Texas gains three, and Iowa remains at four.

The Electoral College and American Constitutionalism

The Electoral College is fundamental to our constitutional system of limited government, federalism, equal representation, checks and balances, and separation of powers.

Had President Obama Said What Trump Said About Article II

Shane Vander Hart: President Trump said that Article II of the Constitution gives him the power to do whatever he wants. Imagine President Obama saying this.

The Three-Fifths Myth

Phil Bair: Journalists and commentators are still telling us that blacks were considered “three-fifths of a person” by those who drafted the Constitution, it’s not true.

The Second Amendment Is About Rights, Not Force

Kelvey Vander Hart: Regulation and mandates placed on Second Amendment rights are problematic no matter which side of the aisle they stem from.

Ben Sasse Gives Civics Lesson During Kavanaugh Hearing

U.S. Senator Ben Sasse (R-Nebraska) explained during Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing why the confirmation process for Supreme Court justices has become so politicized.

The Isolationist and Conservative Victory through Constitutional Correctness

U.S. Senator Rand Paul isn’t opposed to offensive or preemptive war; he just believes we should follow the constitution and declare the wars we fight.

Federalism and the Future of Constitutional Government

To restore traditional federalism, states as well as the people will have to repent of progressivism and return to the principles of the Constitution.

Iowa U.S. Senate Candidate Profile: Q&A with Joni Ernst

1.  What’s the most rewarding job you’ve held? Joni Ernst: “(Being) a

Iowa U.S. Senate Candidate Profile: Q&A with Sam Clovis

1.  What’s the most rewarding job you’ve held? Sam Clovis: “I’ve had

Texas Marriage Amendment and Law Victim of Federal Judicial Tyranny

(Austin, TX) We’ve seen this happen in California, Kentucky, Ohio, Oklahoma, Virginia,

Interview with U.S. Senate Candidate Sam Clovis

Sam Clovis, a Republican candidate running for Iowa’s open U.S. Senate seat, agreed to have an interview with Caffeinated Thoughts’ editor Shane Vander Hart.

The Lesson of the Reichstag: All it takes to lose a democracy is an “emergency”

Those who don’t learn history are doomed to repeat it. Don’t forget the lesson of the Reichstag during Nazi Germany.

The Importance of Virtue

Are we a moral & virtuous people? No, we have lost our virtue by way of surrendering it for the sake of being politically correct, but it can be restored.